Friday, December 2, 2011

Book for Spring 2012

The spring 2012 Organizational Behavior and Management class will be using ORGB2 by Debra Nelson and James Quick.

If you purchase a new copy of the book, you will receive access to online resources, including study aids, that could help you achieve your goals in the course. However, a new copy is not required.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Love or Money?

Among 2,000 survey respondents in the United Kingdom most express that money is currently the impetus for changing jobs rather than satisfaction at work. Might this be because of the recession or other factors? What motivates you most at work?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Natural Managers

When returning home from the Academy of Management conference in San Antonio, on the plane I sat next to a woman who moved to the Syracuse area about ten years ago from India. She made the comment, "Americans are natural managers." She said that everything we do from childhood to adulthood--school assignments, parties, weddings, jobs--are projects to be managed.

What do you think? Is your life-project based? And do you think that Americans are "natural managers"?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Performance Review

A number of television shows have built episode plots around work-related performance appraisals. In The Office, Michael Scott flubs the process in the episode "Performance Review" (Season 2, Episode 8). An even more irreverent use of performance evaluations can be seen in the episode "The Gang Dances Their A$$es Off" (Season 3, Episode 15). In this episodes, Frank decides that the bar needs to be more business-like and decides to implement a performance review system. He uses a ranking system for the bar's five employees, ordering them from best to worst. Of course, he gives the top position to himself. During the rest of the episode, the gang vies to crawl up the ladder.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

When it comes to paychecks, body size matters

Management researchers looked at the correlation between weight and pay - it's no surprise that "thin is in." Unfortunately, this is based on stereotypes relating to body type.

When it comes to paychecks, body size matters

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Human Action and Inaction

The financial crises crosses all business disciplines. What might regulators and executives done differently if they had kept OB principles in mind?

NPR story
Link to the Complete Financial Crisis Inquiry Report

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gym-Pact: Enforced Fitness

Informed by a class on Behavioral Economics, two Harvard University graduate students created Gym-Pact, a program where you pay if you miss a workout.

  • What do you think of their service? Would you be more likely to workout?
  • How does this relate to theories of learning and motivation?

Gym-Pact's Website

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Women in Combat

The Pentagon has a long-standing policy of refusing to allow women to serve in combat units. Now, a high-level commission is set to recommend a reversal of that regulation, in part due to the shifting nature of battle lines in today's warfare.

NPR has an interesting story on the issue. How many OB themes can you identify?